Tuesday, May 24, 2011

American Idol Finale - Scotty vs. Lauren

3 Rounds, no filler. One winner. Let's go!

Favorite Songs of the Season

Scotty - "Gone"
Good relaxed performance. As good as anything he's done.

Lauren - "Flat On the Floor"
Restrained, but good.

Idols' Idols
Scotty - "Check Yes or No" from George Strait
Wow...this is the most boring Idols finale ever.

Lauren - "Sure Felt Right" from Carrie Underwood
Good, but again, just not a moment.

1st Single
Scotty - "I Love You This Big"
The song was good, but it seemed a bit safe. Not that it wasn't sung well, but the buildup didn't happen like I hoped.

Lauren - "Like My Mother Does"
Wow...just when you think she might not have one this season, she had her moment. She nailed it. Just when she needed it.

Round 1
Scotty, by a hair.

Round 2
Lauren, solidly.

Round 3
Lauren, solidly.

If the girl vote doesn't kill her chances, Lauren will be your next American Idol.

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